Thursday, November 4, 2010

Conversations :D

- Azie, Nina n Nedy -

- me n Azie -

don't know why
yesterday, nina suddenly calling me (in phone)
" nana, wanna meet tomorrow at HAJI ALI RESTAURANTS ? "
only agree ah
so happy coz long time no see her liao
and the evening we meet
Nedy so excited when see Azie

talk, talk n talk
while eating french fries and our own drinks
and after a few hours
we decide to go back( coz afraid nina's grandma will scold her)

in the evening
go 'hiao' with AZIE
AZIE wanna find her friend gift
I'm just follow her
and suddenly I think I wanna see my friends at Hoover
and when I go to that place
my friends face looked excited
don't know
maybe coz meet me ah ?

I hear one story
my CIDAHA also come to that place
hm? if I know he will come
I will come before him
coz what ?
I miss him damn much !!!

~ DA n ~

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